One Nightbringer Method Man says...
"My life has changed phenomenally! I don't make apologies for being me. I hold my head high. I'm more authentic as a result - I don't try to be something I'm not or what I think people want me to be.
I'm unashamedly me. I also feel like the gym is my home, not a place where I'm made to feel uncomfortable. I even talk to other men in the gym rather than being terrified of them!
I feel great, and I look great (and that's only improving). I've made a bunch of lifestyle changes without compromising on my enjoyment of things I love like good food. I have way more energy and a far greater mental capacity to deal with both my personal and professional life.
I feel young again and people tell me I look great! That makes me feel great so it's a virtuous circle, because when I feel great I treat people well and do great work. The snowball effect really is a thing!"
Nightbringer Method Men say...
"The discipline and focus on health allowed me to build my own dream business and have energy to keep growing it whilst being a father and dealing all the things life throws at you"
"Since working with Lawrence I have:
- Added 7kg of lean muscle to my frame
- Unlocked the ability to hold a handstand for more than 5 seconds
- Effortlessly chain multiple reps of muscle ups together
- A clear understanding of how to train in my own time.
I would highly recommend Lawrence for anyone wanting to explore their athletic potential."

Have hesitations? One Nightbringer Method Man says...
"I did have some hesitations about signing up. To look at, Lawrence was the kind of guy I saw in the gym and avoided eye contact with. He looked great, presented very confidently and was a man who knew what he wanted! I assumed people like him judged people like me harshly and looked down on us weaker mortals! But actually he was interested in me, my goals, my feelings, what I cared about, why this was important to me, etc.
From the outset, he listened and was also vulnerable with me about his own story. He also gave me hope at a time when I felt like I'd lost something and it was irretrievable. He made it feel possible to get back to where I wanted to be."
The Details
All sessions take place at Chrome Cave Worthing.
Your first session is £35, from there, there are a few different options.
Pay as you go: £70 per session
Night Spawn: 1 session per week: £197 per month (this is the most popular option)
Night Sentinel: 2 session per week: £297 per month
Night Ruler: 3 sessions per week: £397 per month
If you'd like to book, email Lawrence directly
with your goals, and where you're currently at with your body, by clicking " Book Now" below.